Monday, January 04, 2010

Ubuntu : Genius Pen F610

[pending article]

I am trying to get the pen buttons to work and I am very new in using Tablet Pens with Linux, so here are my current findings.

Finding the Driver
With this guide I found out the the correct hardware name is "WALTOP International.

I visited their site and found their Linux Driver.

PS: I haven't tried the drivers as my current kernel does recognize the tablet

Using this command, "cat /sys/bus/usb/devices/*/product" I found it using a "Slim Tablet" driver.

Buttons Don't work
As Karmic 9.10 my pen works kind of. The buttons on the pen doesn't work. Curious why.
There is talk of configuring the xorg in someway...

Wizard Pen
There is talk of this "WizardPen", something tells me it is mean to solve all tablet issues.
Think I'll follow this guide via Ubuntu Community Docs.

Waltop Slim Tablet - Buttons don't work
Wizard Pen Setup

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