Saturday, October 24, 2009

I Feel Sick Everytime I see windows7 Advert

Having been mainly using Ubuntu and dual boot into XP once in a while just to play games for a while now (Since Ubuntu's first launch) and over time I have seen Ubuntu mature to a point where I can see the founder's vision coming true. Yet just recently I have been feeling wierd :/

Every time I see an advert about Windows7 I get this weird feeling of sick. I am thinking it is because of the following reasons...

I felt sick on and off whilst writing this article!? A while back having heard, Windows7 is a major improvement from Vista and that Microsoft improved their way of developing...Having seen all these bizzare movements by Microsoft, it gets to me now :(

Thanks a bunch Microsoft :/

After Posting to Reddit
Reddit link

To answer the first comment... People and family and friends are amazed how I loath Microsoft so much, I can get that annoying to them too :/ Think it maybe because I am too "open source dependant".

After reading a comment mentioning their hardware is more good, I felt kinda better would you believe, yet reminded about the [cough] erm...

I will try and make an effort to try and ignore the annoying bits about Microsoft and try and see their better side, their "hardware sector"... Maybe I should actually see Windows7 in action and that may lift off a bit of this... Yet I'm in no hurry as it seems to be the touch screen as the big thing, seen it on the iphone though so it's nothing new :/ I will still say it is a major improvement from Vista yes. Also during my timeout from the Internet, I kinda also thought I shouldn't of seen that 'banned IE8 ad' either. I hope to also provide the computer recycling plant some assistance for dual booting and providing alternative 'friendly User Ubuntu documentation'.

Thank you Redditors for responding :) Yet I still probably haven't figured of a good way to counter-act this feeling... Well I have helped some friends get Ubuntu installed on their computers and I have only just started to providing a network solution for small organizations and charities. Knowing that kinda helps but it isn't enough :( hmmm

Heh, this made me laugh after googling "Ubunto"...Now... I wonder what this "Ubunto" is :P Oh and felt relieved after reading this comment. :)

Further Reading that has Helped me :)
Guardian :Microsoft Aging Giant.
PC Wiz Kid's First Look at Windows7
BBC : 24hrs with Ubuntu
BBC : Ubuntu Readies Karmic Koala
BBC : Windows7 Pros and Cons

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